
I am Izabella (she/her), PhD candidate, academic, and freelance designer residing on Gadigal and Bidjigal Country in Sydney, Australia.

The daughter of a playwright and a poet, and the granddaughter of Macedonian refugees, my research embodies my family legacies by engaging with performance through a political lens emphasising class, stories of struggle, and sites of inequality.

My recently completed doctoral thesis, “The Subsidy Question: Community Theatre and the Integral State”, traces the historical evolution of Australian arts funding over the past half century and brings this history into alignment with the ascension of neoliberalism and the decline of trade unionism over the same period. This work reflects my broader interests in labour, policy, and the arts, which I have published, presented, and lectured on at institutions and in publications nationally.

Professionally, I have over 10 years’ experience in education, training, design, and management, as well as expertise in project management, writing, research, public speaking, and collateral and report design.

This website provides an overview of my academic research, teaching experience, professional background, and freelance design work.